EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Home » Health and Fitness » Weight Loss Sharon Dell Basic PLUS Author | 47 Articles Joined: September 10, 2009 South Africa Was this article helpful? 1 0 1 Lose Weight Fast and Safely With Flaxseed Oil

We know by now that restricting calories sends your body into preservation mode. Thinking it is about to enter a period of famine, it hangs onto every morsel you feed it by slowing down your metabolism; hence, dieting makes you fat.

Coupled with that, most no-fat and low fat foods are highly processed dense carbohydrates, which if not burned up by vigorous exercise will convert to fat. Put differently, people gain weight because they eat too many fat free carbohydrates, stimulating insulin production and fat storage, and not enough of the right kinds of fat.

When dieting, for a whole week you may successfully monitor every fat gram as though it were poison, then on the weekend the temptation to devour pizza, burgers, french fries, ice cream, chocolate and pastries is overwhelming. The reason for these cravings is because your body desperately needs essential fatty acids. But even if you succumb to these omega-6 laden processed foods, your body cannot convert these into the precious omega-3 oils it needs, so you eat more, piling on huge amounts of unnecessary calories.
The solution is simple. A weight loss trick known by body builders and now by you: increase your intake of essential fatty acids in the form of flax seeds.

Before you think I have lost my mind -- flaxseed oil never ever converts to body fat.

Adding essential fatty acids to most of your meals makes losing weight a breeze. You feel full for longer, you feel satisfied and it curbs cravings for sweets and fatty foods. You also have loads of energy and with shining hair and glowing skin, you look gorgeous.

Your body needs essential fatty acids to function optimally but because it cannot manufacture them, you need to supply the body with an external source by eating them every day.

The simplest and highest concentration of essential fatty acids (EFAs) is found in flaxseed oil, with cold-water fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines), egg yolks, poultry, green leafy vegetables, nuts and some fruit containing lower concentrations.

How do essential fatty acids help you lose weight?

Flaxseed oil improves your metabolism, excretes fat and toxins trapped in your tissues and even removes hard fats accumulated by longstanding bad eating habits. It curbs your cravings for sweets and bad fats without you feeling deprived or needing to use willpower, thereby reducing your calorie intake. In addition, because you trick your body into thinking it is getting enough fat, it burns excess calories instead of depositing them as fatty tissue. And finally, you feel satiated after eating.

Flax seed, also known as linseed, is described as a perfect whole food. Taking 1/4 cup of ground flax seeds per day or 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, in addition to stabilizing your blood sugar and helping you lose weight, is a truly potent supplement with every health benefit imaginable.
This powerful anti-oxidant can be bought from your health food store in four forms: the whole seeds, ground seeds, oil and capsules.

Nutritionists prefer thoroughly chewed or ground flax seeds because they contain fiber. While whole flax seeds pass through your body undigested, the oil lacks fiber and capsules are their fourth choice.
Although ground seeds may be best and use them when you can, for most people cold-pressed flaxseed oil with lignans is more convenient.

As a matter of interest:
Two tablespoons of ground flax seeds provides the following:
Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega-3) 1,710 milligrams
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6) 480 milligrams
Oleic Acid (Omega-9) 540 milligrams
Lignin Fiber 1,003 milligrams
Lignan 13.6 milligrams
3 tablespoons of whole flax seeds = 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
14 large capsules of flaxseed oil = 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Who should take it?

Everyone. Regardless of whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or simply improve your health.
Completely safe to take daily with no negative side effects, most people would benefit from 1 to 2 tablespoons a day of flaxseed oil spread throughout the day. Take with meals, especially one where you are likely to overeat. Start with 1 teaspoon and gradually increase your dosage.

Sprinkle ground flax seeds on yoghurt, over fruit, on toast, in water, juice or a smoothie. Add ground or flaxseed oil to cereals, soups and salads by mixing with an equal amount of olive oil and some lemon juice.

If, for example, your goal is to eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day and you eat three meals, add 1 teaspoon to a glass of water, mix well, and drink before each meal. The nutty taste and greasy consistency take some getting used to. If you find it unpleasant, add to fruit juice instead; or block your nose while you drink it.

By far the healthiest way to consume flaxseed oil is to blend it with 1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese, with fruit, dates or raw honey to sweeten, or cayenne pepper, herbs, spices or vegetables if you prefer savory.
When flax seed is tied to a sulfur based protein, the best being low fat cottage cheese, the fatty acids are fully available to the body. This combination proved effective in a two decade long nutritional program nursing terminal late stage cancer patients back to health. It also helps prevent cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, cardiac infarction, stomach ulcers by normalizing gastric juices, prostate, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, depression and even immune deficiencies.

Do you see why you should add this to your daily regimen?

Buy a small bottle at a time, refrigerate the oil and shake before using; and keep ground flax seeds in the freezer to prevent them from going rancid. Never cook with flaxseed oil because heat ruins its beneficial properties.

After one day of adding flax seed to your life, do not jump on the scale, expecting to have lost a massive amount of weight. Like compound interest, it has a snowballing effect. After two weeks run your hand down the side of your body; it will feel sleeker and your skin silky to the touch. The seat and waistband of a once snug pair of jeans will be looser. And each time you wear them, they will feel looser still.

Even when you are at your goal weight, have your daily dose of flaxseed oil because you will look and feel great.

This is by far the easiest, safest and healthiest way to lose weight effortlessly without feeling deprived and fixated on dieting.
Sharon writes about various topics. Come visit her latest website about natural gas tankless water heaters [http://naturalgastanklesswaterheaters.com] and more specifically what size water heater [http://naturalgastanklesswaterheaters.com/What-size-water-heater.html] you need.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Dell

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